www.gystdoit.com/family/Objective of Gaffey-Dunn Family Tree.htm
Objective of Gaffey-Dunn Family Tree
Gather a record of my relatives
as far back as I can
as inclusive as I can
as completely as I can
To organize the images and information
in a context that is useful and appealing
and accessible to all family members
To help us
remember those who died,
keep alive our relationships with the living, and
introduce ourselves to people we should know.
To publish and present Family Tree to my Mother
- in the immediate future
- after reaching a quality/completeness threshold
- that even Dad would be proud of
To share with family members
- views of our family that
- they can incorporate
- into their custom family tree record
I appreciate your patience with errors and omissions
as I try to hammer out a finished product and efficient update methodology.
Up until now I have been chasing data changes in too many places
For example, a given family member may be listed in half a dozen different
web pages and the database table I record the statistics (the one source of the truth?)
has morphed and resided on several different computers.
I am hopefully close to cutting back on the variation by generating web pages
directly from the database. This is software capability I have been gradually developing.
So please don't give up on me if I'm still misspelling your name or can't seem to
get your birthday right.
I will say that collecting an accurate record for roughly 500 people is trickier than it appears.
I depend on the kindness of family members to gently set me straight.
I can now produce family tree data in gedcom format. So if you use geneaology software and
want to jump start your tree using data I've collected, let me know.
Similarly with images and artifacts - obituaries, head shots, events, news clippings -
everything you see on this website can be provided to you through CD upon request.
I am happy to receive any information, pictures, family history, corrections you can contribute
to build a resource we can all use
email me at
why not just do it?
all ancestors
all descendents
all cousins, second ...
wedding date
RIP Date
grave site
Far back - historic reach
So far, have traced back 4 genertions each side
Michael Gaffey born 1803
Ellen Loftus 1835